Planet Venus

Simon, why do you love astronomy so much?

written 28.09.23

I wish I could answer this easily, I wish i could give you a straightfoward answer. There's so much reason to love the Universe and I dont think I can do it without crying.
Ever since I was a little boy, I loved the night. The smell of night, the way the world seemed quiet. It was like the entire world was asleep, and I was the only one awake. Just me and the stars.
I've loved the stars just as long as I've loved the night, at one point I wanted to be an Astronomer but my inability to do maths or science soon made me realise that it wasn't the job for me. I tried so hard to become better at maths and science, desperetely trying to be JUST good enough to have a future in any Space Agency but, well, Set 5 Science and Set 4 maths, and I'm okay with that.
Even if my dreams of being some Astronomer, working as an intern, helping to find new planets or asteroids, searching the stars can't ever happen I still love astronomy and I always will.
Space feels like the only absolute to me, well besides death but the stars were always there. Year after year, they were there through my worst times and my best. I could always look outside knowing that there'd be at least one star visible through the light pollution and the clouds, or one planet shining brighter than the rest (usually Venus due to her clouds reflecting most of the sunlight that hits her)

Everything comes, everything goes. Even the universe will go someday, but in my lifetime it will always be there. No matter what. Like mentioned, it feels as if it's the only absolute. And I love that.
The universe is so beautiful to me, in the grand sceme of things we are a mear speck. From up there, international politics seem so silly, so unimportant. Everything seems so silly and unimportant. Realising that nothing actually truly matters was as if I was breathing for the first time after holding my breath all my life. That guy I accidentally tripped in front of a few years ago? He's forgotten already. That lady I jumped in front of today and accidentally scared the shit out of her? Probably forgotten too.
My point is, the universe is just beautiful, the size of the universe is beautiful, everything is fucking beautiful!